Lisa Sarah Steel Art in matte black home steel art TLC Interiors

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  1. Love her work. I’m torn between hello and home – either of which I’d hang at my front door – probably leaning towards hello – a stunning greeting for visitors to our house.

  2. I absolutely LOVE these pieces! It’s so hard to choose! Life can be so full on and the pressure to keep up with the jones’ sis so high, so I would love “Live Simply” to remind my family of 6 that simple is what matters What a super talented lady Lisa is!

  3. I like the ‘hello’ sign. I would have it at the entrance of my home to welcome everyone. Beautiful works of art.

  4. Stunning collection but my fave is ‘kia ora’ i married a gorgeous kiwi. across the ditch have done it again!!!!

  5. live simply, people forget the simple things in life can make a wonders in the world, simple is best, we cant always have the best in life we make do with what we got, its not always about how much something costs. People need reminding how lucky we are.

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