white and grey tortoise shell kiteens sleeping in bed with red blanket

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  1. I’m absolutely not a fan of pets in the bed. I had to laugh at some of your thoughts above 🙂
    But what about pets on the sofa? I have a labrador, they moult like crazy, and his hair is everywhere. At the moment I have leather sofas and it’s easy to wipe the hair off, but I’d really love a fabric sofa when I redecorate the lounge… I’m so scared that it will become a pet hair magnet!

    1. Hey Vanessa. I have a fabric couch, and sadly it does tend to become a bit of a pet hair haven. That said, you can easily brush it off or use one of those lint rollers. That’s what I do anyway. I can’t keep the cats off the sofa so it’s a reality I have to deal with lol 🙂

  2. We have a 7 month old poodle ( mini ) who is very good at sleeping in his little beds ( he has one upstairs and one downstairs.
    The puppy training school we attended was very helpful in teaching us all ( kids included) about setting clear boundaries while making the puppy feel safe and loved.
    Since he doesn’t shed hair he’s an inside pet , we definitely have chosen well this time- We’ve always had Golden Retrievers in the past ( the mountains of smelly dog hair !)
    He can jump on the couches and the beds but doesn’t, he’s a clever little thing and is eager to please , we do let him snuggle on the outdoor couch with us at every opportunity.

    1. Sounds like you got the right idea early by taking your lil pooch to puppy school, Liza-Jean. I wonder if I can enrol my cats in a similar program lol. I long for the day they don’t scratch at the bedroom door at 6am! 🙂

  3. No way! Animals do not belong in humans beds!! We have a dog and she has a bed that she sleeps in in our living room and she’s our alarm clock in the mornings she’ll come into the bedroom for some good morning pats but will never attempt to climb onto the bed. When my friend dog sits she pulls her up onto her bed so she can sleep with her and I always cringe when I wash the sheets and they have dog hair on them – or worse as you say the pillow does! If you see what dogs get up to when you’re not looking there’s no way you would want that in your bed and I’m sure cats are the same!

    1. haha this is so funny Michelle. I’m glad you agree with me. I really wish my cats could learn to come into the bedroom but not jump on the bed. I fear I’ve been a bad parent from day one though and given them whatever they want, whenever they want it lol. I’ve ruined them!

  4. Thanks for yr usual entertaining article, you raised some good points and fears regarding cats, Our cats, years ago had their little beds and like you was always worried about being smothered or scratched not to mention the linen shredded, We used to let our small dog sleep on the bed but he stayed at the foot of the bed, he was good little boy and well behaved and we still miss him and we now babysit our granddaughters little terrier whos a snuggler but doesnt move much , so were lucky. P.S. love all the cute cat photos are they yr 2 ?

    1. I need to try and get the cats into little beds Anna. The trouble is, they are so stubborn and so persistent when they want something (like snuggles at 2am lol). They have been given into too much I think. If they would stay at the foot of the bed, I would love that too. I’d probably let them in if they stayed away from the face! 🙂

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