how to keep a fiddle leaf fig alive

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  1. I might just boast a little here. My FLF stands over 2 metres tall. I initially had it indoors before moving it to my back porch. I think I’ve found the perfect spot. No direct sunlight and I water it weekly in the summer (leaves and all) and cooler months every couple of weeks. It continues to grow even though Im pretty sure it is root bound 😉

  2. You’re absolutely right. Once a week, water and be sure to only admire from a distance. That works for me! I also make sure it has filtered sun (never moving it more than an inch or two per quarter) and afternoon full sun if possible. It loves that. You have to name it BTW… they seem to like being called by name 😉

    1. I am as shocked as anyone to reveal that the fig is ALIVE AND KICKING lol. My partner took sole custody of its care and now it is thriving. The lesson I have learnt is that I need to be kept away from all living plants at all times.

  3. Don’t forget to feed it. I know you want to ignore it but if you quickly throw some slow release fertiliser ( I use osmocote for indoor plants) while its not looking it will never know.

  4. I’m so pleased to hear tour FLF is now thriving. I’ve added cinnamon to mine and watered it in (plus water once per week) and I’ve got new growth too!

  5. Ive been lucky as Ive had no problems with this plant. Its grown like a charm, although slow, since I got it. I water every 2nd weekend and as a comment above it sits in front of a window with light but no sun.

    1. I water ours about every week. I usually stick a finger in the soil and if the top inch or so is dry I’ll give it some more water. It sprouts new leaves every so often, so I’m happy now.

  6. Too funny, I am a plant slayer but in saying that I have managed to keep my fiddle leaf plant alive by watering once a week only if needed and keeping in a place where it gets only filtered light not direct sunlight, and now I find out that this plant is yesterday’s news tell me it isn’t so

    1. That’s how I’ve kept ours going too, despite Chris’ constant attempts to rip off leaves that look slightly off, or to throw the poor thing out.

  7. Chris, you and your bastard fiddle leaf are an inspiration. My Mr Fiddle leaf is so sick – I even had the gardener try and resurrect it but to no avail. I’ll post a pic on my insta – you will laugh. He now lives outside – he’s banished from my home as I hate his guts at the minute – ARGH!!!

  8. I love this article!!! Especially given I’ve recommended this gorgeous plant (when it behaves) to a friend of mine to spruce up his interiors and refresh his home! I’m forwarding him this article so that when his plant does indeed start to get antsy, he’ll know what to try!! Thanks Chris!

    1. Don’t forget to point out to your friend the small but important point that Chris’ partner (me) waters the plant once a week. Chris may be neglecting it, but in reality I’m tending to the poor thing after Chris’ ministrations nearly destroyed it.

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