Charlie Albone Interview - TLC Interiors

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  1. Hi There Charlie, My wife & I are big fans of Selling House’s Australia, on the living channel here in N Z , we are keen gardeners and fully appreciate the hard work you put in, the results you achieve are really impressive, You and Shayanna really work miracles, we also enjoy the rapport you develop with the home owners, even though Andrew turns up from time to time,and wont get his hands dirty, we admire the way he goes about the research he brings to the owners & other real estate agents, he is a bit t like a Landscape designer he leaves no stone unturned, I have sent feed back to Shaynna & Andrew as well but I would like you to tell Shaynna that we are fascinated by her laugh.
    Keep up the good work man, we are looking forward to the next episode.
    Allan Scammell

  2. Charlie you used a material in the pub Reno that allowed lawn to grow through but was suitable for cars would you be able to use this to put a caravan on when not using thank you

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