the block 2023 living dining room kristy and brett fireplace divider wall in room


  1. Absolutely hate the tiled step in Leah and Ash’s room – awful, and a pain in the bum to remove. My other pet hate was Eliza and Liberty’s dining table. It looks great, don’t get me wrong, but it is a case of style over function. Eight people around that table just isn’t going to work. The large support pillars are too close to the ends, so you can’t put a chair there, and if you did the occupant has nowhere to put their legs. And four along each side doesn’t allow enough elbow room to even wield a knife and fork, let alone be rubbing arms with your neighbour. Really only comfortable seating for 6.

  2. Apart from the Christian Cole dining table everything else is too safe, boring and bland. I did like the art work in Liberty and Eliza’s dining room. One thing I hoped would never come back into fashion and sadly has, is the chocolate brown sofa.

  3. Leah and Ash’s room reminds me of a room set up at Fantastic Furniture!! I hate it so much.. tacky as!
    Every year the block confuses me more and more.

  4. Not one of these rooms would make it to my Pinterest living room board. Poor floor plans, muddled styling, Leah and Ash’s styling was an eyesore. They need some mentoring with an experienced stylist like you Chris!

  5. What a cluster f**k of a reveal! So much wasted space, visual noise, epic fail floor planning, I could go on and on and thankfully you sum it up every week so epically and enjoyably. Steph and Gian are clearly designing the best spaces, final product and feel and I think Steph has made the right call on the floor plan change. With Steph’s styling and furniture choices, I think she had too much time on her hands and over thought it. Nothing irretrievable here plus the half wall can easily be zoned with sliding or bifolding dividers if so required. More design professionals, more education for the viewers and less bitching, kind of aching for that to happen. Love your work!

  6. Even if I could put the zany colour palette aside (I can’t), I agree that the scale was way off. The Etsy picture would look more at home in a tween bedroom and I am so done with the Venetian plaster. (I didn’t like it in the Blocktagon, I don’t like it now).

  7. I have to agree with you, none of them were outstanding, although Kyle and Leslie had the best, if only it had been bigger. I usually really like Steph and Gian’s style, but not this week. I didn’t mind Kristy and Brett’s either, but I really didn’t like Leah and Ash’s.

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