emilis dark brown leather sofa from life interiors

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  1. You have given me a lot to think about . I have always fancied myself a good decorator and then after my children all grew up and bought their own homes I sold my average 2200 sq ft home and built a house half the size for just me with two bedrooms and two baths and a living room kitchen combination and of course since it’s so small I have the masters upstairs that’s the whole size of the bottom floor containing everything else and I just can’t seem to get the furniture right for the tiny living/kitchen combo but your article has shown me a lot of my mistakes and theres a couple of sofas Im really interested in but I was wondering how you feel about only using nice blinds without curtains in a very small space because it seems everyone I’ve tried just closes it in and makes everything seem even smaller and I’ve tried several different styles to go with ,anyway thanks so much for the inspiration..

  2. Love the look of a brown leather sofa, but sticking to them in summer is not my idea of a good time! Leather and Queensland do not mix lol.

  3. I think to look at i like all of them, but with sayng that the colour sets the mood. i find to many sofas have been designed to accomodate men with long legs so that women need to have a cushion at the back to be comfortable. my husband selected and bought one similar to the Camden six months ago much to my digust, in brushed brown tones, (as i am a brighter toned person), but with dusty pink and euculyptus cushions and thows its growing on me. Like shopping for all things if you you arent in the mood to take time to pick something dont bother looking, wait to be in a good upitty mood and go mad at the stores and online.

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