olive green quilted bedding set by sheridan australian bedding brands

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  1. Chris last time I looked into buying more Sheridan sheets they were Made in China. Not Australia anymore.

  2. Questions
    My designer says she has to buy all furniture in her name. Example bedroom budget $20k. I have to transfer 20k to her account so she can purchase the furniture with her credit card.
    So let’s say 3 months later paint is peeling off. I can’t call the store directly they have no record I purchased anything. Then my designer handles it and I have to pay her $200. An hour to solve the problem.

    1. Hi Lillie. Everything you said is true, yes. Designers put all purchases through their business so they can manage any issues that come up for their client. It’s in the interest of making your life easier. And yes, we would of course charge for our time to resolve any issues. You’d be resolving them yourself if the designer didn’t do it for you, and we do need to be paid for any work we do.

  3. Hi Chris, in another post of yours you were saying ikea had a really good mattress and base that was really good quality without the high price tag of the bedding stores.
    I wonder if you could let me know the name of it.

  4. I’m usually a huge fan of L&M too, particularly for their Coverlets and cushions. For sheets though Ive recently discovered genuine heavy weight French linen from Macey & Moore. They are amazing and have washed beautifully as well. Definitely my new fave sheet supplier!

  5. another great website is www.bigbedding.com.au they focus on Australian made bedding, they also sell mattresses and furniture and offer free delivery Australia wide.

  6. We spent one of our ISO weekends cleaning out the linen closet, including purging A LOT of sheets and quilt covers! I told my GF “If I mention new linen, remind me of this day!’, but looking at all these beautiful options is giving me second thoughts. 😉 Our favourite sheets are the Vintage Softwash cotton sheets from Canningvale.

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