dining table styling ideas TLC Interiors

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    1. Hey Char, I’m not sure to be honest. Though the imagery for that photo came from http://www.abeautifulmess.com/2014/06/terrarium-planter-table-runner.html so you might want to jump over and ask them 🙂 I hope that helps and thanks for stopping by.

  1. Hey Chris, thanks for sharing these amazing ideas and tips. I never know this even can possible to bring something like this. I really loved the way that you have adjusted a flower pot along with the mat under the table. Great Improvisation.

  2. Incredible decorating ideas! Last week I moved to my new apartment and I unpacked everything. Now I want to decorate somehow my dining room because it looks kind of sad. Thank you a lot for sharing these ideas! Now I know what to do with my table!

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