Marshall reclaimed wooden sideboard from interior secrets

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  1. Hi, if I put the guild buffet against a dark charcoal wall will a dining table with gold legs work with the brass ?

    1. If it was me I would opt not for a competing timber as such, but something much darker. As it stands, the table and buffet are not matching, but too close in colour either. A darker brown or black buffet would work better.

  2. We own a beach side weekender apartment here in Sydney (narrabeen beach). I’m looking for a sideboard to fit in a spot but it can only be up to 110cm wide & 900-1mt high. Most seem to be too small or too big. Any you can think of??
    ps. I subscribe to your newsletter & luv your work!

    1. Thanks Gail! There are some out there in the 100-110 range. Temple and Webster have great options on their site to search by specific sizes so that might be the easiest way to find something. They’re usually affordable too. If you want something a bit higher quality you will have to contact the designer brands directly.

  3. Again, a very timely and spot on article. I purchased my sideboard last year and have way too much clutter on top, mostly artworks that are intended for the wall above it. Do you have any tips on how to keep a sideboard top uncluttered given the art above it but not devoid of anything?
    Thanks Chris.

  4. Really timely article! I’m looking for a sideboard to go at the back of my sofa … I’ve read the rule is the sideboard is to be the height of the sofa but my sofa is 660 high the cushions go to 800… I’m unsure what to do – Chris is love your input!! X

    1. Hey Nicki. How tall is the sideboard you’re wanting to get? If the back cushions go up to 800 in height, then that’s the measurement I would use as your guide. You don’t want the sideboard to be taller than 800. It is ideally the same height, but it can be a bit lower. 800 back height of sofa will work with a 700 back height of sideboard, for example. Does that help?

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