classic hamptons interior design dining room with chalie macrae art on light blue wall

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  1. I really like these colours and design
    Chris. What is the names and colour of the carpet chosen? It such a good base for the furniture, wall colours, bedding and styling chosen. The carpet and particular colour chosen makes such a difference when viewing the before and after photos.

  2. Hi there, I’m wanting to paint our bedroom in the Hamptons Blue style you used. Could you please tell me what colour that is.
    I live the Hamptons style.
    Thank you

  3. Hi Chris, I also love your article. Please tell me how to change a beige stone kitchen with 2 pack beige cupboard doors and beige stone benches and timber floor boards into a Hampton look, thanks Valerie

  4. Hi Chris! Your design is so lovely. We’ve just moved into a new home and I’ve been stumped with with design ideas but I knew I wanted a Hamptons style home. Seeing this post has given so much inspiration! Best post about Hamptons I’ve seen! If possible, can you please tell me where you got the beautiful white bedside tables and also the buffet table in the dining area? Thanks so much. X

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