The Block 2016 Guest Bedroom 2 Reveals Resin Art Will and Karlie

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  1. I feel like the judges are gas-lighting Julia and Sasha at this point (or radium poisoning them, given the building period). High-fiving the boys’ black on grey on dodgy painting decor while basically telling Julia’s she a terrible person because pillows were chopped and the room was staged to sell… which is the whole point.

    Julia is defo hard work and kind of a negative energy at this point, so it’s Sasha who is going to have to slog through the next week.

  2. Karlie and Will’s room was just too much, they should have let the head board be the focal point and accessorized minimally – also I thought their attitude was adolescent this week. And I agree with your spatial planning point, I think in any other season they would have been brought up on this point, don’t know why they weren’t this year.
    I loved Kim and Chris’s room, bless them, they try so hard every week; just put their heads down and get on with it. I think the judge’s are a bit rough on them.
    I honestly get put off of the show with all the drama this season, I wish the focus was more on the design and the build of the building rather than the contestants having tizzies and the judges being so harsh.
    I’m also a bit disappointed that no one has really and genuinely embraced the deco theme, it’s such a lovely style and no one is doing it justice, I feel.
    I LOVE the gold bed bed that the girl’s chose but wish they’d done something with the walls, they’re a bit bland.

  3. Totally agree! Especially that the judges were super hard on their bottom two rooms. They were nice, its a guest room after all and that is pretty much what you are aiming for in the real world. A nice spot your guests will feel comfortable.
    Still underwhelmed by the season as a whole.

  4. I totally agree with the KW bedroom. Hate the spatial planning and it has no functional use because at the end of the day it is only hiding one wall cupboard. It’s not like there are two rows of cupboards etc.

    Also hate rugs on carpet. Seems redundant and always feels weird to me. Just something extra to trip over and vacuum. Rugs belong on hard floors.

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