the block 2018 living rooms and dining rooms hans and courtney

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  1. Love your view point and humor Chris.
    Season 14 is only being broadcast in SA now
    The rooms are just bland with a few nice pieces here and there. The decor this season is just so boring and under whelming. There is no vava voom, no personality, no character, no love or hate moment like some one said. The rooms reminds me of two youngsters that just got married and who’s parents gave them a few nice pieces which they just plonk down. 100% Agree with you on Courtney & Hans space, nothing jells , lay out all wrong. Courtney should have kept to her aesthetic and brought in some over sized pots, Asian decor pieces, ginger jars, Asian wall paper etc .to fill that bland vast space. I am seriously starting to doubt the judges ability to judge. One week week the finishing and workmanship are the downfall of contestants although their decor is stunning according to them. The next week a team loses because of that even if they like their styling & decor . They just so inconsistent. This seasons decor of the teams is a total let down, or is it the inconsistency of the judges and restrictions of the producers that let them down and confused the hell out of them.

  2. I’ve found this whole reveal to be quite unforgettable. They’re all nice, some with obvious highlights and some with some weirdly obvious glaring faults. But none that really stand out. On the plus side, there was no terrazzo!!

  3. It was SO boring! If it was’t for the beautiful glass and high ceilings in the penthouse apartments I’d be completely and utterly bored.
    I feel sorry for them, they have such a limited time they can’t actually do any really decent custom built in storage etc. I wish they’d take that into consideration with spaces this large and, at the very least, give them 2 weeks! There’s enough drama on the block to keep people hanging out for an extra week….especially if the rooms are worth waiting for…these were definitely not.

  4. I feel the living rooms were a lot like the rest of the apartments. Very unexciting. These are multi-million dollar apartments?? Where is the drama and pizazz (design wise) of previous seasons? Where is the colour, the artwork, the wallpaper?? All very bland and disappointing I’m afraid.

  5. I really dont like the tan lounges, like the shapes, not the colour. I liked the girls room the most, but Kerrie’s and Spence’s ceiling won me over, so much work and it looked great. Shame they used a black ceiling fan. I think its really hard to believe the judges words, when the contestants need to tie the rooms together but they are still in a construction zone and hear them say it doesnt make sense, it’s not connected, seems the judges havent any vision for the works in progress. There also wasnt much storage in any of the rooms, I have a hidden winter blanket and pillow box, book cases, and massage chair in my lounge room. Surely in those massive spaces they could have had practical essences hidden. Still love the show, just sharing my thoughts.

  6. Not going to lie…I was pretty underwhelmed with all of them. The spaces aren’t overly innovative and don’t have the warmth you would expect from a living and dining space. There were components of each that I loved individually but once put together with the other items it just didn’t work. I really want to see more! Like you said, where’s the wallpaper?? And no, the Luna Park wall does not count!

  7. Hate the boxy white rooms but I love most of the art works, rugs and dining tables which were the only things to give the rooms style and pizazz.

  8. Sorry, totes have to disagree with you this week re Jess and Norm’s room. I think it is delish! Yes, the placement of the fireplace is very disappointing, because it does make the room not as functional had it been tucked up in the corner or further to the side. But you’ve got to make the best out of a bad situation right?
    I cannot get enough of their amazing furniture pieces. The coffee table and the entertainment unit are works of art. The simplicity let’s their beauty really sing! I think the minimalist feel of the room is very contemporary, totally now. It’s all about the raw materials they have used, timber, leather, marble, what more could a millionaire want? Haha! Adding too much to this room wouldn’t let those amazing windows and the view be the focal point.
    Sorry we don’t see eye to eye, but this room was the winner for me this week. It broke rules, broke away from the safe, boring, snore-fest “same-same” we’ve been seeing for weeks. Now let’s hope J+N fix that flop of a master room before auction.

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