Darren and Dee

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  1. I am so addicted to this show I hate that it’s not on Fri night as well ,I love Charlotte & Josh
    I don’t always agree with the judges though

  2. Bec and George deserved that 4th place.. Double D are there only for the drama they create. Look at the way Dee lashed on Anastasia and also block is becoming more about the contestant’s personalities, rather than focus on room aesthetics.

    Charlotte and Josh room are following “Karstan and Max” style of blank canvas, where buyer can fill in their creativity. But Charlotte and Josh are too blank due to missing colors.

    I agree on Tim and Anastasia, they totally miss the point with the tech thing. Darren just made it perfect i think.. i love the new room.

    Ayden and Jess was on the same level of Charlotte and Josh. I wasn’t that impressed with the room.

  3. Bec and George nailed the demographic of the area and I just love their textural take on the room. I think they should have won… But I think it’s all about ratings and I wonder really if the judges knew who’s rooms were who??? Good on Matt and Kim for stepping out of their comfort zone too. Whether the decision was right or wrong I know I’ll keep tuning in every night but hope to see Bec and George back on the screen soo , such down to earth beautiful people..

  4. I loved Bec and George’s room and I also like Darren and Dee’s and thought it was a worthy winner. As for the newbies, I didn’t mind what they did but you could tell the difference between the newbies and all stars very distinctly. I’d love to know how to incorporate Colour into a bedroom. Greys and neutrals do little for me. I love colour and maybe that’s why I like the double D’s room.

    1. I hear you, Libby! Is it just me or is there a grass wallpaper company partnered with the show lol? Seems to be a big deal being made over something that’s been around for decades!

  5. Hmmmm this is a hard one, gorgeous room but winner? I’m still deciding! I’m loosing faith in the block… Is it a reno show or drama? Very convienient they won last night & accurant affair announces interview with him! A ploy to make them more likable? I’ll decide when I see the interview! Bec & George will go far, they’re the true peoples renovators

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