Amelia Anderson bird photography cupcake pinkie pink cockatoo art TLC Interiors

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  1. Sorry I cant pick one, I love & want them all, so if I win I will buy another just to finish my room with double wow.

  2. The stately blue Crane Heron makes its way in in its regal manner through the beach grasses. Peace and tranquillity reign supreme.

  3. I love them all but the Macaw feathers is my favorite – I love the colors and the up lose detail on the feathers- just so calming and beautiful!

  4. Black Betty it has unique crest and side look like it has a smile, looks rare soft black colour not to dark looking.

  5. Black Betty1 is stunningly beautiful and dramatic, and I would feel very lucky to have that piece in my home.

  6. Crane Herron-Stand Tall, majestic and so calm, the image draws you in and seems so peaceful.

  7. ‘Fluffy Cheeks’ as I love kookaburras and rarely do you see them drawn or photographed face on. It is a beautifully image that captures perfectly this very handsome bird.

  8. Seriously I couldn’t pick a favorite! I liked so many of them. I am a bird lover so I found it extremely hard too choose. Your photography has captured their detail to perfection 🙂

  9. The more I stare, the more I appreciate the captured detail of the white plumage of the Sulfur-Crested Cockatoo against the black backdrop. This print would add texture and another dimension to any room. Oh, what a talent Amelia has!

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