living in the suburbs sitting on top of garbage bin

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  1. Moved to the Sutherland Shire 4 years ago and even though I bought a modern unit 3 mins from the station above a shopping complex and 30 mins by train to the City, it still feels like a temporary home. I miss the skyscrapers and concrete and the life force of the city like crazy. The residents here seem old and strange and yet I’m 75 years old. They don’t seem to understand me and I can’t figure out what they are about. See, this can happen to you at any age. Would move back to Mosman in a heartbeat, but have to wait for that Powerball to fall.

  2. Oooooh you are reminding me of every reason why I left the suburbs! When I decided to have babies, everybody told me to move back to the burbs but I just bought a bigger apartment.

    The next thing that happens is that you buy a bigger car to avoid walking the extra distances and then you get fat from lack of incidental exercise.

    The good news is that people are friendlier in the burbs. You might actually meet your neighbours 🙂

    1. omg Jus do NOT even mention the weight gain lol. I am already ballooning this winter haha. I found it way easier to keep my health in check when I was close tot he city because, as you pointed out, I did so much walking. UGH.
      Get me back to the city fringe ASAP lol.

  3. Well you are minutes away from Epping and the best turkish bread baked twice daily plus incredible deli and fruit and veg at the shopping centre. And don’t forget Dumplings Plus. I tried to convince them they need to open up on the Gold Coast but seems they are deaf!

    1. Oh Gayle you cannot tease me like that. I am a Turkish bread lover from way back. I need exact location details, name of the bakery, their opening hours and who to ask for haha.

      My partner is also obsessed with Dumplings, so he’s going to lose his mind. I am going to Google their address now and go there this week.

      You’re a legend 🙂

  4. Oh lovey! Try moving to bloody Tarneit! Waaaah! I felt spoilt in Altona. Now I tell people I live near Geelong. And not in the cute coastal/ crazy mayor/ Great Ocean Road sense.
    P.S. I love your doormat.
    P.P.S. and that coffee tea towel.

    1. Oh Louise, I don’t even know where those suburbs are haha. I’m assuming they are not near the CBD. Well, I know Geelong. I drove out there once to film some videos for Metricon on it felt like I was driving to the Northern Territory lol.

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