the block 2023 master bedroom kristy and brett venetian plaster feature wall

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  1. Dear God – I was only pooling sheers last night (well not me but I issued the order to do so). Sure they looked crap but wot r u sposed to do!!
    Only got that far as yet. I’m a Home Design freak from a long way back when I watched that British show with that tall dark haired dude. It was all grey overcast houses (& weather) with small as rooms and terrible design elements … memories …

  2. I love your eye Chris! I can never articulate how something gives me an irk and you always nail it on the head. I love reading your comments and then going back to the pictures to imagine it as you’ve said and you are always 100% correct! Just knowing that a slight adjustment to colour can make a huge difference to the ambience of a room is your super power. 🙂

  3. The only thing I know about The Block Chris is your critique every week – love it!!
    I would kill for the space in all those bedrooms but I wouldn’t sleep in any of them – nightmares ‍♀️

  4. Discovered your posts and love them. Agree with you that this season’s masters are underwhelming but love the space in S&G’s and would die to have a walk-in wardrobe like that. But not a favourite of the beige tones used this year.

    1. Couldn’t agree more this week. I hated those dark glass wardrobe doors and can’t believe popcorn-textured wall plastering is back.
      Juvenile was just the right description for the girls room too.

  5. Oh my goodness Chris, your reviews are the most colourful interesting and on point thing about this season’s Block. I’m afraid I don’t look at any of the rooms and go WoW !! Dull, colourless and very unsophisticated- how are these houses going to sold without some big re-vamps??? Love the Masked Singer reference!!!

  6. Sadly brown is in fashion. My least favourite colour so really can’t be objective this seasons Block. The spaces are nice but not memorable. I’d love a master bedroom the size of Steph and Gians master.

  7. Aggghhhhh! Not more Ventian plaster!!! Reminds me of the sponge-effect walls of the 1990s. (Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should). I thought S&G’s room was the best by a country mile- bit of colour didn’t worry me although lack of mirror in the WIR an error- wonder whether there was one inside one of the robes.

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