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  1. I think the couples are limited with what they think they can style their rooms with.. every year its the same furniture… same colours and same comments from the judges. I’d love to see some new judges on the next series, its getting very same same. If I hear Shayna go on about storage one more time I think I’ll lose it. The only couple that came in and did something truly different was Dale and Sophie, and the judges completely slammed their first room. I think it’s more about pandering for the judges then offering something different.

  2. Have to say, I’m struggling with all of these rooms looking like they bought everything at the same shop. One was the Matt Blatt shop, one was Dare, one Freedom and so on. Seems like there needs to be a bit less product placement and a bit more freedom (scuse the pun) to choose where they shop.

    Hope you get the judging job soon Chris 😉

  3. Oh dear oh dear, perhaps I am completely out of touch but I found it difficult to find anything that I liked about all of these rooms. Sure there was some nice pieces but the looks – all not good.The pink wall truly awful. The block folk need you in a hurry Chris!

  4. I wanted more colour in the winning scheme and maybe some timber on walls?
    Still waiting to be asked by show for comment. Have cool hair, glasses and can rock Ben Sherman shirts for the over 50s guys but…my wife/partner Luisa hated Ebony “granny flat” colour, and Aimee over scale and Aiden room was very Freedom! Bring back rocking Mark Tuckey furniture!!!

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