Blocktagon Terrace Reveals Kingi and Caro Terrace

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  1. I think the weird shapes of all these rooms has let down the entire series. No one room in this series that I totally love. Agreed, not nearly as good as last year, but they did have better spaces to work with.

  2. I agree that this season has not been as good as other seasons, which surprises me because I read that the producers were moving away from tradies towards designers to get more exciting spaces.

    Most weeks I have only liked one room and some weeks I haven’t liked any rooms. I particularly hate the cheap, hipster knick knack feel of a lot of the shelving and furniture. Does not scream high end.

    I laughed when the girls said that their apartment was so high end that they thought a dr might buy it. Drs are normal people with families, friends and hobbies just like everybody else. They are no more likely than anyone else to want to live in a gentleman’s club with a bar fridge in the living room!

    1. Oh I hear ya Justine – that gentleman’s bar in the living room was such a wacky idea. I have no idea what they were thinking! Overall I ended up like a lot of Luke and Ebony’s space the most I think.

  3. I really liked your reviews and agreed with pretty much all – except I would have placed Andy and Whitney lower just because of the VERY cheap looking accessories. Wouldn’t the planters in Suzi and Vonni’s terrace be subject to the same code as the worktop – they are climbable and thus dangerous – remove them and it would improve the area greatly anyway!

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