the block 2018 bathroom reveals hayden and sara bathroom with vertical garden wall

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  1. Bianca and Carla’s bathroom won purely on design it knocked the others out of the ball park, they are thinking of the buyers and the position that the apartment holds. Although I loved every detail and finish that they used I feel they could have utilized the space better. I would have put a walk in wet area for the bath and shower they had plenty of space, the bath would have looked visually more attractive along the stone wall and the shower on the white tiled wall.

  2. Bianca and Carla’s bathroom should have won purely on design it was the show stopper. The only thing I would have changed is the placement of the bath and shower and created a walk in wet area they had enough space, the bath should have been along the stone wall and the shower on the wall were the bath is, I think visually it would have made more of an impact. It would have filled that empty space a bit better.

    1. Yeah I agree Shellie. Makes you wonder why they did it the way they did. Such a good eye for design though. I really hope they bring this element of surprise into the other pockets of the home! Let’s see what this week’s reveal brings 🙂

  3. I do like the girls bathroom, but it feels a bit empty – in these photos there seems to be a big empty space between the bath and vanity. The wall was beautiful and the ceiling was also. But I actually liked Norm and Jess’ bathroom more.

    1. Yeah I think they were going for minimalistic styling so that the materials could be the star of the show. I know what you mean though; it certainly feels sparse. Loved elements of Norm and Jess’ for sure!

    1. Same here. Let’s see what this week brings! I wonder if their amazing design is going to continue. I sure hope so. They’ve brought something to the competition I’ve not seen before, so fingers crossed!

  4. I like Bianca and Carla’s bathroom the most in terms of colours and design, but it really falls down on functionality. Those two big windows right next to the show? The single, round window for a double vanity? They’re pretty major issues to me. The above suggestion about swapping the position of the shower and bath makes so much sense, I don’t know why they didn’t do it (perhaps the reasoning was explained in an episode – I only read the recaps)?

    To be fair, the others had some big misses as well. I loathe terrazzo tiles – they make me think of hospitals, schools and other older public buildings. The tree bathroom looks oppressively small and claustrophobic and the giant tree doesn’t really help matters. The green wall is probably my second favourite, except for all of the brass – a design trend I’ve never understood unless you’re wealthy enough to pay someone to stand in the bathroom and polish your fittings 24×7. The other one is just a bit … bland. It reminds me of a public bathroom in a restaurant. A nice, expensive restaurant to be fair, but it doesn’t seem like a private, personal space.

    1. lol I live for the day I am wealthy enough to have someone polish my fittings! Doubt it’s going to happen though. You’re right about the functionality issues. I guess that’s why they didn’t win; the judges thought it pretty important to have storage etc. I also didn’t mind the brass bathroom, if you took out the brass and some of the styling it would be lovely.

  5. I loved Bianca and Carla’s also, but think ther should have been 2 mirrors above the sinks, and for the love of gawd, make that vanity fill the space. Maybe swap the shower and bath positions, so those windows could be dressed properly and also deal with the privacy issue. As for Hans and Courtney’s, I loved the simplicity, and maybe what you feel is missing from the room, is the emotion and nostagia that the terrazzo brings when you are actually IN the room. It’s such a subtle terrazo, that maybe the photos and footage aren’t evoking the emotional response that the judges felt. Like photos of the Ikea are nothing like the feeling you get when you are in there.

    1. omg Raylee the moment you mentioned the IKEA analogy I got what you meant. You know me too well. Maybe that’s the issue. Maybe the terrazzo isn’t translating on film, because that bathroom felt basic to me. Can’t wait to see it in person though. I will be snapping away like mad!

  6. I thought the judges were way too harsh with Haydon and Sara. I’m not a fan of brass and didnt care too much for the style of the wall sconces but the look on their faces – you’d think there was a dead cat in the tub. Bianca and Carla’s had the most wow! factor for me.

    1. Yeah I don’t have major issues with Hayden and Sara’s, but it was too busy. That’s my main concern. They just needed to take a few things away and it would have worked wonderfully.

  7. I think if Bianca & Carla had better storage they would’ve won….but agree with you, bit confused about the winners – I still think the girls should have taken the win

    1. I so agree Alicia. I know there were some storage issues, but even with those I still like it more than the terrazzo bathroom.

  8. I love Bianca and Carla’s but …..the towel placement ? A long awkward walk from the shower to get your towel !
    Also the sinks with the round mirror ( which I love ) visualize yourself standing there cleaning your teeth , you need to step into the middle to see what your doing ..annoying !!

    1. lol agree on the towel placement. It would be quite a drenched little walk over to grab your towel! I am so blinded by how good the room is though that I seem to be forgiving everything!

      1. I’m a bit late to the game here but if you look on the right hand wall there’s a towel hook just outside the shower. Would have been better to swap the bath and shower around but then again, showing with a view is something I’d want if I spent a few mil on a beachside penthouse.

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