house rules 2017 andrew and jono black tile bathroom with copper piping

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  1. I missed this episode. How did they get the bath to look copper on the outside? What process did they use?

  2. The first Reno’s I thought that there were only junk shops to choose from , every contestant ended up in one. I have also been disappointed with this season. They have changed the show and the way contestants are chosen.Two need a psych. test and bogans should not be allowed.
    Are the producers surprised at the walkout.

  3. Overall, not all of it was that bad, don’t expect all of them to produce perfect rooms, they are amateurs on a reality show after all. Some of the zones were definately gob smacking jaw droppers, especially the two women, no thought at all for the home owner, no respect or concideration for anyone else period.
    They have dreadful attitudes & the work they turned out was garish.. give off negativity thats what you get in return.

  4. if i wanted to see good home diy and tasteful interior design, i’d watch the block. this show has never been great, and the contestants are clearly clueless. even the judges i think are a little blind.

  5. I think I was having a seizure after all that clash – It reminds you of a 70’s reno with every room a different colour —– I think Im freaking out LOL – the bathroom was the only saving room

    1. hahaha oh Anna… I think I’m freaking out too… WOW! Yes, it was definitely a colour clash of the very worst kind.

  6. I thought Andrew’s bedroom was very nice. The bathroom was great, but too dark for me, but it is very appealing.

  7. These 2 women have no idea, about design, about manners, about respect.
    They don’t listen to anyone, they just want their own way, and bugger what the owners want.
    Very pig headed,
    Wasting money, the producers should step in and stop their stupid antics and attitide, this show is ridiculous.

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