House Rules 2017’s Sean and Ella reveal is brought to you by Australian Hide.
I thought that was going to be mentioned somewhere in this week’s reveal ep considering the over-use of it in the rooms. But no such luck. If last week was brought to you by Murals Australia (see the photos here), this week was definitely hide week. And there really was too much of it.
Credit where credit is due, though; this is without a doubt the nicest reveal yet. No ghastly colours, no heinous patterns, and no god-awful design interpretations that left rooms looking like a dog’s brekkie.
Sean and Ella asked for industrial Scandi and that is exactly what they got. So let’s take a look at the best and worst rooms below.
The Master Bedroom was the Standout
In terms of nailing the house rules, the master bedroom from Andrew and Jono was a winner in my eyes.
The colour palette was bang-on, it had the right amount of industrial elements, and even the styling was nice. I mean, it was over-stuffed. But learning to edit rooms well and take things away is a skill that develops over time. So I’m giving them points here for executing a space that ticks so many boxes stylistically.
I do think the lights were a step to far (the amount of lights, anyway). A successful room needs just one focal point and there were too many competing for your attention here.
The wall was a feature enough in the main bedroom that it didn’t need the lights competing with it.
The pieces in the living room aren’t connected. A large rectangular rug was needed here to ground the space.
The coffee table was way to small for the room also. It’s all spatially a bit wrong.
The dining room was pretty nice. But boy am I over the use of those chairs in industrial spaces.
The kitchen was hot to trot. I don’t love the cupboard and drawer handles though.
I thought this bathroom was divine. The floating vanity is glorious, don’t you think?
Now this space is truly horrid. Those pink tiles! Someone pass me some Nurofen.
I don’t like the styling choices here. It’s a bit themey and over-stuffed.
Loving that cork wall. Cork is a huge trend this year so at least they’ve tapped into that!
Kate and Harry on Top?
I was kind of surprised Kate and Harry came out on top this week. I thought Andrew and Jono’s efforts were more deserving of top scores. I certainly didn’t think their dining room deserved a 10, did you?
Fiona and Nicole look to be improving. Though judging by your comments each week on the blog and Facebook… it’s a bit too little too late, right?
Let me know what you thought of this week’s House Rules 2017 reveal in the comments below. What do you think is going to make Troy and Bec storm out?
Been following your posts, but today i actually joined Facebook to see what others had to say.. So much hatred & juvenile namecalling in the Facebook comments….so i came straight back to your posts. I love the style of the Tassie reveal. But the ensuite was a shocker, it did not deserve being part of a perfect 10. The greatly different comments that Sean and Ellie had for Troy & Becs zone indicated they knew exactly who had those rooms. The comments were so negative from the start….and i admit i loved their bonus room. Ill be very interested if the Tassies choose that as the fix up room. In fact all the rejected bonus rooms should be the fix up room.
Hey Chris. Facebook and social media can be SO hateful, can’t they? Glad you came back here, because I like to avoid all the drama and focus on the rooms and the design.
The ensuite was a shocker in my eyes too. Those pink tiles were just a step too far. I don’t think it felt industrial OR Scandi, so it’s quite surprising that the judges were so wowed by it.
I do think Sean and Ella thought T&B or F&N had worked on their zone. I think all the teams won’t both couples out.
See you next Monday for the next reveals!
Great email Chris. This is the first time I’ve watched a complete series of house rules. I was lucky enough to meet #CarlyandLeighton who I found inspirational so thought I’d watch the show. Underwhelmed is the word that comes to mind when I’m asked what I think of it! Some of the rules, I think are ambiguous and no wonder people with little taste are not getting what they want-spell it out in the rules! As for the walk out, I think he can give it, but not take it!
I agree Jane. The concept is a little… flawed. I’ve said it in previous posts, that contestants with no design knowledge are never going to be able to deliver a good result, especially when they can’t interpret house rules which are inherently ambiguous or vague. It’s a shame, because as I’ve also said on the blog before… Australia is SO starved for locally-made design shows.
It was a good week I thought! The best reveal for sure. I disliked the study. The cork wall was ok but the styling I felt was just meh. Agree on the pink bathroom. Was too fifties retro and I couldn’t help but groan at the no storage!! Where was the storage????
Overall my biggest disappointment was not seeing the tantrum walk out by the battlers. I even let the kids eat dinner in front of the tv last night to witness this massive drama exit.
Pfft- guess we have to wait until tonight !
Love your blog!
You are too kind with your words about the blog. Thanks so much 🙂
Yes – definitely the best reveal yet. I think part of it was because ‘Scandi Industrial’ was an easy brief to interpret. Well, the easiest so far for the teams.
I know right; the walkout happens tonight but the ad did make it seem like it was happening Sunday night. Tricky tricky. I was eating in front of the tele too!