house rules 2018 jess and jared backyard

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  1. Bahahaha. Dirty undies as a styling tool. I’m using that for my next rental inspection. I also loved the graffiti wall and green wall. I’m sad the show is ending because your post is one of the best laughs I have all week – for the purpose of education naturally.

  2. I don’t know why Lawrence suddenly found the love for Chiara and David because that whole zone was a shemozzle. The bath was ridiculous – if it had been one of those dark stone ones it might have worked and with a more coppery tapware, not shiny bathroom stuff it might have been more successful. Agree on the outdoor art, but once the judges let it slide the first time they are all at it. It seems that all the contestants want to do is fill every inch of space with furniture, in fact the first time I have heard about anyone having budget issues was this week when the boys ran out of money to buy timber for the pergola (which will probably be their downfall), whereas Toad and Mandy stumped up $2,000 for their graffiti art (which at least is waterproof). Looking forward to The Block and to your recaps Chris.

  3. I can’t bring myself to take this show seriously to start with so I’m not surprised when it’s all so so bad. How there we 2x 10s for the Bali backyard is beyond my comprehension and I don’t know who’s more to blame… the contestants with poor taste or the contestants to ask for these rules in the first place.

    1. I agree Mel. If the home owner’s like it, that’s even more concerning. Trying not to judge other people’s taste here. But as a stylist/designer I can’t let terrible design be praised like this.

  4. I actually had to stop watching , as it was stressing me out so much , now I’m definitely no expert but seriously are these people serious and the judges ‍♀️. I’m sure the owners will love their Balinese shithole . I guess it is better then what is was .

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