house rules 2020 kimmy and rhi green bedroom

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  1. I also thought that from a design perspective the kitchen was a disaster. Far from the “magic” triangle of fridge, stove and sink! All the functionality of the kitchen was concentrated in one half of the kitchen. The oven and cooktop should have gone where the bar and stools went. That way there would have been a decent work space and more storage between the fridge and sink. Very poor design for this late in the competition and the only way to fix it is to totally redo the kitchen! I am really surprised that the judges made no comment on the functionality of the kitchen! They only commented on looks. For such an expensive room of the house, functionality it critical. I feel really sorry that such an important room was so poorly executed for Kimmy and Rhi!

  2. I actually felt really sorry for the girls.Their work in the other houses has been awesome and very on point.They have been given a hideous mish mash in return.

  3. Yeah and didn’t you find the teams stuck on their digs to have certain things & then didn’t do them eg not moving the door in the second bedroom in order to have a hall table that they then didn’t put! Also during that segment I was yelling at them to do a sliding door, that second bedroom didn’t need to change at all! Love these recaps 🙂

  4. I felt really disappointed with what they came up with. When I saw retro and vintage in the rules I thought great this will be really different and give them some ‘out there’ options. The kitchen, huh, don’t see anything there that’s mid-century. I hoped there would be those cool coloured smeg appliances, maybe an orange island with brown timbers. The best pieces were those that they found at the secondhand shop!

  5. Your critique is en point as usual Chris and I agree with your comments. I hadn’t thought of the laundry doors popping in black, great idea and I think that is what was needed, as I really loved that black and white wallpaper in the entry. Using a console that didn’t fit the space was confusing as to why they would have chosen it. I’ve found the judges comments quite contradictory and inconsistent this year, and for a show that I absolutely love, I’m disappointed in the changes they have made in this season, it seems as though it has been really rushed through. I could imagine you being a very successful and entertaining judge on HR!

  6. So many problems with this house – I feel for Kimmy and Rhi but their rules opened the door for some of the wacky design ideas I fear. The house is pretty tiny and the layout they were given has problems – laundry near front door a problem. Awful wallpaper in bathroom, pink tiles should have been stacked and the breezeblocks in living room an interesting idea but impractical, intrude into the room and tv too high. Kitchen was a missed opportunity – no connection to the house – perhaps a small peninsula would have been better and even sacrifice a window for some overhead storage? I thought they were being very nice in their scoring and will allow the judges to swing the axe tonight.

  7. Not sure I liked any of the rooms. Oops! Tried so hard too. The console table in the dining was nice with the artwork… at best.

  8. OMG that wallpaper in the bathroom is the most horrendous I’ve ever seen
    Love the boho/spotlight explosion bedroom though

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