house rules 2018 grand final decider reveal kitchen and dining room

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  1. Great summation TLC Interiors.
    What happened to the less is more motto? In my humble opinion I believe they have butchered this beautiful cottage. It is like a great big jumble sale. Chelsea’s style was minimalist and complementary. Great shame that the original pedestal sink was not incorporated back into the reno. There are elements that have been done well however far too shambolic overall. First thing one notices is the entrance, they should have put the fly screen back and also sanded back the putty on the side of the front door. The powers that be behind the scenes should have reeled them all in. This is a classic example of what not to do in renovating a classic home.

    1. I couldn’t agree more Rose. That’s the biggest issue for me too; the (at least) six different interior design styles together in the one home. It’s all very chaotic and messy and Chelsea has a lot of work ahead of her to make it nice.

  2. Why did none of the judges comment on how packed that guest bedroom was?? That black chair and footrest didn’t need to be there and neither did the green trunk. Space would have been better used with a closet. I feel like a lot was missed by the judges critc which the owners usually pick up on but Chelsea was so overwhelmed by it all. Think she will have different things to say once she’s lived in the house for a few weeks.

    1. Oh exactly. That’s kinda the flaw in this show. You have someone whose been through so much, and has an admittedly bad home in dire need to begin with, so the end result almost feels like something they can’t complain about. But there were so many impractical moments.

  3. Way too much going on for me in most of the rooms, small spaces over styled, the guest room felt messy, like grandma had already dropped her stuff off and fled the scene!! Boho blah on the deck, and so unpractical, what happens if it rains out there? That’s a lot of coloured blankets to pick up! I love Toad and Mandy, loved their bathroom wasn’t a big fan of the rest. The lounge didn’t feel cosy for me and the glass table top with a little one – they have twins the same age – what were they thinking!!!! Can they sit at the dining table and the bench at the same time!!? Not possible! Should have put cupboards here for storage instead of an overhang bench given the dining space was so small. Chelsea is an absolute star and I’d love to see what she does with the space now, I bet she has excellent style!

    1. Oh I know. I bet Chelsea has already thrown out or sold everything on the deck and has restyled the rooms completely. She’d have so much work ahead of her, the poor thing. The deck was the biggest moment of criminal design activity for me. So impractical – and it didn’t even look nice. Double whammy!

  4. I have never seen this show before, first episode I ever watched. Every single room was painful for look at. So amateur and such a let down. Ouch, this tea is hot.

    1. hahaha this tea burns!!! 😉 Yes, there were some truly diabolical rooms. You should go back and read my other recap posts from earlier reveals. It gets worse!!!

  5. I was waiting for someone to comment on the no roof situation on the back deck stuffed knee high with indoor stuff that can’t get wet… Talk about giving the poor girl more shite to deal with. Loved the split level addition tho and thought Toad and Mandy killed it in the main bathroom. Where was the door to get out from the laundry to the clothesline, so not practical. Oh and last but not least what was with that kitchen splashback omg, get the tiler back asap!

  6. Love love love your critique. Could wait to read it this morning and I think you were bang on. … especially that boho deck. It should have been a huge FAIL. and Mel and Dave gone. Toad and Mandy are strides ahead of the others. Bring on next week… and your next thoughts
    I’m goi g to miss your updates

  7. I actually just snorted at the “you don’t get these insightful nuggets on the other blogs”!

    The kitchen and dining felt cramped to me when I saw it from other angles whilst watching. But I suppose the extension was pre-planned and there wasn’t much to be done about it. If I were Chelsea, I’d even think about adding a larger laundry that leads outside and using that space to open up the kitchen – if she has the financial means later, of course.

    Soooo much shite to bring in if it rains on that boho deck. My daughter cracks up at me when I go screaming hysterically into the rain to rescue the myriad of scarves and sheets she uses to make her outdoor cubby “more bewful”. I’d be cursing the titbags who stuffed my outdoor area full of indoor furniture and textiles like that. There was even a large Freedom leather ottoman Chelsea would have to try and save from rain.

    1. Oh I know – the ottoman! Lovely of course, but could you imagine trying to bring it in yourself. It’s also a shame to think that these suppliers give products to be used on the show that will, in fact, just be thrown away. There’s no way Chelsea will keep all of those pieces outdoors. And there didn’t look to be much room inside for it all. I guess she could sell it on Gumtree?

  8. Even without the mad styling of the Bozo deck, the fact that it was all INSIDE furniture drove me nuts! The judges glossed over the impracticality of this fact but for me it was an absolute fail for that reason alone! All those rugs, leather ottomans, cushions would need to be put inside to protect from the elements. It was clearly a conspiracy by the producers!

  9. I really wish they’d just built the extension, handed the poor girl a big wad of cash, and let her just go for her life. I’m afraid they ruined that beautiful light, bright and relaxed cottage.

    1. So true. A cottage conjures up such lovely imagery to me, yet none of the rooms were truly realised from a design perspective. She’d have to throw so much of the stuff out to make it right.

  10. I would’ve preferred Chiara and David in the final too. Kitchen splash back was nice but I don’t think it was the right fit for the rest of what they had selected in there.
    Don’t know if it was just how they edited it, but Koa’s bed styling was pretty much copy and paste from the shop Mel bought it from. Hated the deck, nothing else to say on that one.
    Toad n Mandy’s bathroom, LOVE! Bedroom feature wall and lounge, eh.

    1. Yeah, the bathroom was the one moment this week where I thought… GORGEOUS! The other rooms were a bit of a hot mess. Agree about the kitchen splashback. Didn’t work in this space but could see it working in another style of home.

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